Author: simone
Extract audio from a video with ffmpeg on macOS
If you are on macOS and you need to extract audio from a video file, you just need ffmpeg and you are ready to go. If you don’t have ffmpeg installed on your system, you can install it with Homebrew. Wait a second, you don’t have Homebrew? Ok, let’s go back.. Install Homebrew Let’s install…
Access RouteParameters in Laravel
Ashley Allen (@AshAllenDesign) wrote this interesting piece about RouteParameters in Laravel. Depending on your use case, it could be really useful!
Manage YouTube videos with AI
In this article we will discover how to automate some of the boring parts of YouTube video management: description and chapters. We are going to talk about: Get your video ready! First we need a library that could transcribe our audio. Since I am on MacOS, I will use mlx-whisper but you could choose a…
Download large JSON
If you have event found yourself struggling with big JSON, this article is for you. Give it a deep read.
Reservable models
I stumbled upon this great article from Aaron Francis (@aarondfrancis) where Aaron explains how to use Laravel’s cache locks to reserve models. I found it very interesting.