Author: simone

  • Extract audio from a video with ffmpeg on macOS

    Extract audio from a video with ffmpeg on macOS

    If you are on macOS and you need to extract audio from a video file, you just need ffmpeg and you are ready to go. If you don’t have ffmpeg installed on your system, you can install it with Homebrew. Wait a second, you don’t have Homebrew? Ok, let’s go back.. Install Homebrew Let’s install…

  • Access RouteParameters in Laravel

    Ashley Allen (@AshAllenDesign) wrote this interesting piece about RouteParameters in Laravel. Depending on your use case, it could be really useful!

  • Manage YouTube videos with AI

    Manage YouTube videos with AI

    In this article we will discover how to automate some of the boring parts of YouTube video management: description and chapters. We are going to talk about: Get your video ready! First we need a library that could transcribe our audio. Since I am on MacOS, I will use mlx-whisper but you could choose a…

  • Download large JSON

    If you have event found yourself struggling with big JSON, this article is for you. Give it a deep read.

  • Reservable models

    I stumbled upon this great article from Aaron Francis (@aarondfrancis) where Aaron explains how to use Laravel’s cache locks to reserve models. I found it very interesting.